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2024-07-10 44

当设置人物头像时,以下是每个类别的一些详细关键字列表,可以帮助您更准确地描述您想要的特征。 本文将长期进行更新,欢迎关注。文中所涉及的内容也可在RdFast智能创作机器人小程序中即刻进行体验,包括AI素材、AI文案、AI编辑、AI绘画、AI室内设计和AI头像设计等。


(1)年龄性别 age sex

(2)面部特征 facial featrue

(3)发型和发色 hair

(4)服装和配饰 clothing

(5)表情和姿势 expressions pose

(6)背景和环境 background

(7)图片风格 style

(8)光线 light

(9)色彩 color

正向提示词:high quality, best quality, 4K, professional

反向提示词:worst quality, bad quality, low quality, lowres



1 年龄性别 age sex

幼年,男 childhood, male;幼年,女 childhood, female;少年,男 adolescence, male;少年,女 adolescence, female;青年,男 youth, male;青年,女 youth, female;中年,男 middle age, male;中年,女 middle age, female;老年,男 elderly, male;老年,女 elderly, female。

2 面部特征 facial featrue

– 眼睛:大眼睛、小眼睛、圆眼睛、椭圆眼睛、狭长的眼睛、明亮的眼睛、深邃的眼睛。

– 鼻子:直鼻子、扁鼻子、尖鼻子、宽鼻子、高鼻梁、鼻子上的鼻环。

– 嘴巴:大嘴巴、小嘴巴、厚嘴唇、薄嘴唇、微笑、张开的嘴巴、嘴唇上的唇环。

– 眉毛:浓密的眉毛、细眉毛、弯曲的眉毛、直的眉毛、高挑的眉毛、眉毛上的刺青。

– 脸型:圆脸、方脸、长脸、瓜子脸、尖下巴、圆下巴。

- Eyes: Big eyes, small eyes, round eyes, oval eyes, narrow eyes, bright eyes, deep eyes. - Nose: Straight nose, flat nose, pointed nose, wide nose, high nasal bridge, nose piercing. - Mouth: Big mouth, small mouth, thick lips, thin lips, smiling, open mouth, lip piercing. - Eyebrows: Thick eyebrows, thin eyebrows, arched eyebrows, straight eyebrows, high eyebrows, eyebrow tattoo. - Face shape: Round face, square face, long face, oval face, pointed chin, round chin.

3 发型和发色 hair

– 发型:长发、短发、中分发型、侧分发型、卷发、直发、马尾辫、编发、光头。

– 发色:黑色、棕色、金色、红色、灰色、蓝色、紫色、彩虹色。

- Hairstyle: Long hair, short hair, center-parted hairstyle, side-parted hairstyle, curly hair, straight hair, ponytail, braided hair, bald. - Hair color: Black, brown, blonde, red, gray, blue, purple, rainbow.

4 服装和配饰 clothing

– 服装:衬衫、T恤、连衣裙、西装、卫衣、牛仔裤、裙子、短裤、制服。

– 配饰:眼镜、帽子、耳环、项链、手表、背包、围巾、手套、戒指。

- Clothing: Shirt, T-shirt, dress, suit, hoodie, jeans, skirt, shorts, uniform. - Accessories: Glasses, hat, earrings, necklace, watch, backpack, scarf, gloves, ring.

5 表情和姿势 expressions pose

– 表情:微笑、严肃、开心、自信、惊讶、愤怒、害羞、无表情。

– 姿势:站立、坐着、交叉手臂、手放在腰上、手握拳、手指比心、手指指向某物、看向阅览者、面向观众、回眸、看向另一个人、移开视线、侧脸、看向侧面、向侧面瞥、俯视、低位视角、高位视角、仰视、背对、背影、特写镜头、中景、广角镜头、全景、人在远方、远眺、聚焦人物镜头、脸部特写。

- Facial expressions: Smile, serious, happy, confident, surprised, angry, shy, blank expression. - Poses: standing, sitting, crossed arms, hands on hips, clenched fists, fingers making a heart shape, pointing fingers at something, looking at viewer, facing viewer, looking back, looking at another, looking away, from side, looking to the side, sideways glance, looking down, from below, from above, looking up, facing away, from behind, close-up, midium shot, wide shot, panorama, extra long shot, looking afar, lens 135mm f1.8, face shot.

6 背景和环境 Background

– 背景:室内、室外、城市街道、自然风景、星空、海滩、森林、建筑物、抽象背景、纯色背景、渐变背景、纯色渐变背景。

– 环境:阳光明媚、阴天、夜晚、雨天、雪天、都市繁忙、宁静的乡村、未来科技。

- Background: Indoor, outdoor, city streets, natural scenery, starry sky, beach, forest, buildings, abstract background, solid color background, gradient background, solid color gradient background. - Environment: Sunny, cloudy, nighttime, rainy, snowy, bustling city, peaceful countryside, futuristic technology.

7 图片风格 style



cartoon style, realistic style, watercolor style, oil painting style, sketch style, semi-realistic style, abstract style, idealized style, comic style, cover style, illustration style, sketch style, cosplay style, traditional media style, retro artstyle, marker style, graphite style, cyberpunk style, nib pen medium style, faux figurine style, variations style, acrylic paint style, ink style, ballpoint pen style, minimalism style, impressionism style, crayon style, pastel color style.

– 卡通风格:简化的线条、夸张的特征、明亮的颜色,类似于卡通角色的风格。

– 写实风格:细致的绘画技巧,力求还原真实的面部特征和细节。

– 水彩风格:柔和的色彩、模糊的边缘、仿佛是用水彩绘制的效果。

– 油画风格:厚重的笔触、丰富的质感、类似于油画的艺术效果。

– 素描风格:黑白灰色调、明暗对比强烈、类似于素描的效果。

– 半真实风格:结合写实和卡通的风格,保留一定的细节但仍具有卡通化的特点。

– 抽象风格:简化的形状、非传统的颜色、强调表现主题或情感。

– 优化风格:对人物特征进行优化和修饰,使其看起来更加吸引人和理想化。

8 光线 light


beautiful lighting, soft light, cinematic light, volumetric light, studio light, natural light, raking light, edge light, back light, bright light, top light, rim light, sun light, golden hour light, cold light, warm light, cyberpunk light, reflection light, mood lighting, atmospheric lighting, dramatic contrast lighting, volumetric lighting, shadow effect, romantic candlelight.

9 色彩 color


monochrome, greyscale, gradient, colorful, pastel colors, neon palette, ff gradient, red, crimson, darkred, tomato colored, coral colored, lightcoral colored, salmon colored, light-pink, pink, peach-puff colored, misty-rose colored, orange, gold, darkgoldenrod, goldenrod, palegoldenrod, yellow, light-yellow, lemon chiffon, lightgoldenrod yellow, green, green yellow, palegreen, lightgreen, lawn green, lime green, forestgreen, darkgreen, olive, dark olivegreen, olivedrab, medium-aquamarine, aquamarine, turquoise, medium-turquoise, blue, cadet-blue, steelblue, light-steelblue, lightblue, skyblue, deep-skyblue, cornflowerblue, purple, medium purple, dark-orchid, darkviolet, medium-orchid, darkmagenta, magenta, fuchsia, orchid colored, medium-violet-red, pale-violet-red, lavenderblush, brown, saddle-brown colored, sienna colored, brown colored, chocolate colored, tan colored, rosy brown, dark khaki,beige, wheat colored , white, cornsilk colored, linen, antique-white, bisque-colored, whitesmoke colored, ivory colored, black, slategray, light-slategray, light-gray, silver, gray, darkgray, dark slategray.






