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2024-03-27 63

Many people fear that robots and artificial intelligence (AI) systems are going to steal their jobs. To a certain degree, those fears are warranted. According to data from the McKinsey Global Institute, as many as 73 million U.S. jobs could be automated by 2030.

While that’s concerning at a surface level, many people ignore the fact that automation is actually a good thing. It keeps workers out of harmful environments, speeds up production lines, and paves the way for better overall opportunities. Just because robots and AI take over certain jobs doesn’t mean that there won’t be other ones available.

尽管这是表面上的问题,但许多人忽略了自动化实际上是一件好事的事实。 它使工人远离有害环境,加快了生产线,并为获得更好的总体机会铺平了道路。 仅仅因为机器人和AI接管了某些工作,并不意味着就没有其他工作了。

Still, the idea of losing your job to a robot is frightening. That’s why many people are looking for a future-proof position. According to that logic, there’s no better job field to enter than that of artificial intelligence. Even if machines take over countless jobs, humans are still necessary to program the algorithms.

尽管如此,丢掉工作给机器人的想法还是令人恐惧的。 因此,许多人都在寻找适合未来发展的职位。 根据这种逻辑,没有比人工智能更好的工作领域了。 即使机器接管了无数的工作,仍然需要人工来对算法进行编程。

Moreover, jobs in the AI field pay top dollar as companies look for the brightest minds to create tomorrow’s solutions. Whether you’re just getting ready to start your career or are reskilling into a new position, these five AI jobs are the best out there. Here’s how you can get hired into them.

此外,随着公司寻找最有才华的人才来创造明天的解决方案,人工智能领域的工作收入最高。 无论您是准备开始自己的职业生涯,还是要重新晋升为新职位,这五个AI职位都是最好的。 这就是您如何被雇用的方法。

机器学习工程师 (Machine Learning Engineer)

At its core, artificial intelligence relies on a technology known as machine learning. It involves carefully crafted algorithms and software platforms that





